Tourism development indicators and Visit Tampere’s performance meters are linked to the strategic objectives. The indicators reflect the state and development of tourism in the region. The meters show the results and effectiveness of Visit Tampere’s operational measures. They also contribute to the realisation of Visit Tampere’s mission, giving the authors measurable goals and messages about what is important.
Impact: Development of the operating environment and the ecosystem – indicators
- Income from tourism, overnight stays, length of stay, comparison with competitor cities, event visitors and income, congress visitor numbers and their income effects
- Number of new tourism enterprises
Effectiveness and efficiency: Visit Tampere’s operations
- Customer satisfaction, partners’ degree of internationalisation, partners’ involvement in campaigns
- Development of partner companies’ turnover
- Number of partners’ own online stores
- Effectiveness of campaigns
- Development of social media hits and number of visitors to the site
- Development of the number of congresses applied for and received
- Number of sustainability certificates
- Effectiveness of development projects
Capability: Visit Tampere’s human resources and management
- Analyses produced to support operational management
- Job satisfaction
- Board’s self-assessment