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    Accessibility statement

    Accessibility statement,

    The statement has been composed on September 15, 2020 and updated on 26 February, 2021. The service is subject to the law on the provision of digital services, which requires that public online services must be accessible.

    • The accessibility statement applies to service
    • We have evaluated the accessibility of the service with the help of a third party and utilising the accessibility evaluation tools Wave and AChecker.

    Accessibility of the digital service

    This accessibility statement describes how the website complies with the Act on the Provision of Digital Services, the shortcomings in the accessibility of the website and ways to give us feedback on accessibility problems.

    The Business Tampere website contains city/municipality-specific information for companies and interest groups, which is directly linked to the city/municipality’s own website. The accessibility of the website behind the links is the responsibility of the city/municipality itself and is described in each website’s own accessibility statement.

    Accessibility status:

    The website largely complies with the AA-level accessibility criteria required by law (WCAG criteria 2.1).

    The website is currently being updated and corrective actions are underway. The target schedule for updating the website is spring 2021.

    Non-accessible content (according to the WCAG criteria):

    • Some images on the website do not have alternative texts available. (WCAG 1.1.1)
    • Some picture elements are missing a software attribute and identifier that refers to the image. (WCAG 1.1.1, 1.3.1)
    • Some colour combinations used on the website have insufficient contrast. (WCAG 1.4.3)
    • There are partial deficiencies in the use of heading levels, and the identifier/attribute is not unique. (WCAG 2.4.6, 4.1.1)

    The videos on the website are missing Finnish subtitles.

    The videos on the website are aimed at an international audience and interest groups, and the content of the videos is mainly reflected in the rest of the text section of the website. More information about the branch of activity is available from each contact person mentioned on the website.

    Business Tampere's YouTube channel contains video content released prior to 23 September 2020 that is not in a fully accessible format. According to law, video content published before 23 September 2020 does not need to be retroactively made accessible or removed.

    Have you noticed any accessibility issues with our website?

    Let us know about it and we will do our best to correct the deficiency. We are constantly striving to improve the accessibility of the web service. If you find any issues that are not mentioned on this page, please report them to us and we will do our best to address them. We usually respond within a week. According to the law, the maximum response time is 14 days.

    Please email accessibility feedback to

    Regulatory authority

    If you notice any accessibility issues on the site, please first send feedback to us, i.e. the site administrator. It may take us up to 14 days to reply. If you are not satisfied with the reply or do not receive a reply at all within two weeks, you can notify the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. You will find detailed information about making a complaint process on the website of  the Regional State Administrative Agency of Southern Finland.

    Contact information of the regulatory authority

    Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland (Etelä-Suomen aluehallintovirasto)
    Accessibility control unit (Saavutettavuuden valvonnan yksikkö)
    www.saavutettavuusvaatimukset.fiOpens in a new tab, Opens in a new tab
    Telephone switchboard 0295 016 000

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