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    Tax and permits

    Tax and permit matters

    Sustainable business sprouts in well handeled tax and permit matters. However, they are not always that simple, and hence we gathered a list of organisation who offer tax advisory or grant permits.

    The Federation of Finnish Enterprises and Tampere Chamber of Commerce offer tax advisory to their members. The Taxpayers Association of Finland offers tax advisory in legal matter for its member companies.

    The Tax Administration's national service number gives advise on differend kinds of problems related to the taxation of a company. Have a look at the forms of company taxation.

    The need of permits regarding company's activities may vary depending on the company's business. The most significant organisations who grant permits are listen below. You can also take a look at the service's permits and obligations page.


    The City of Tampere grants permissions to establishing food premises, working on the streets, building, organising events, market sales, and putting up advertisement or teracces. The city also grants permits related to health protection and some environmental permits.
    >> The City of Tampere

    Tampere Tunnetuksi ry, The Promoting Tampere Association, grants permits and leases for points of sales and café terraces in the pedestrian zone of Kuninkaankatu (between Hämeenkatu and Satakunnankatu) and in the sidewalk of the east end of Hämeenkatu.
    >> Tampere Tunnetuksi ry

    The Real estate unit (Kiinteistötoimi) grants permits for e.g. teracces on which alcohol is served.
    >> Kiinteistötoimi

    Visit Tampere supports organising events in Tampere.
    >> Event organisers

    Valvira is responsible for the manifacturing, selling, and importation of alcohol, the selling of cigarettes, and private social and health services.
    >> Valvira

    ELY Centre is responsible for business and industy, transpor, and environment permits.
    >> ELY Centre

    Finnish Transport Safety Agency (Trafi) is responsible for permits related to aviation, maritime, rail, and road traffic.
    >> Trafi

    Regional State Administrative Agencies (AVI) are responsible for permits related to environmental safety, waterbodies, serving alcohol, abnormal opening hours, and animal protection.
    >> AVI

    Occupational Safety and Health Administration grants exceptional permits and notifications related to work limited by law.
    >> Occupational Safety and Health Administration

    Police grants permits to assemling, fundrasing, fireworks and blasting.
    >> Police online services

    Fimea is responsible for the traiding licences of pharmaceutical products and e.g. the certificates of a pharmaceutical products and pharmacy licences.
    >> Fimea

    Person and company assessment SETI Oy is an objective and indepentend organisation appointed by TUKES that assesses certificates of qualification of electrical works acording to the electrical safety law.

    SETI Oy grants certificates and qualifications in electrical work, “tele”, safety, and condition reaserch.
    >> Person and company assessment SETI Oy (site in Finnish)

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