More information
During autumn, we launch a new series of events in collaboration with Tribe Tampere. Sparring breakfast is aimed for entrepreneurs / interest on entrepreneurship and people working especially in startup / growth companies. Idea is to meet around specific theme and share knowledge and experiences as well as learn from each other. The best way to reach success and avoid mistakes that someone else has already done, is to openly discuss own challenges and listen what others have to say. Aim is also invite someone who is an expert on the theme to lead discussions event that the focus is on participants peer support.
Event is between 08:30-10:00, but there is possibility to continue discussions longer if needed. Dates and themes are following:
13.8. How to build the team and keep/motivate people to work?
3.9. How to find advisors/build a company board?
1.10. How to find 1st customers / agree on 1st pilot projects?
5.11. Experiences in different digital tools (crm, marketing etc.)
3.12. Time management
Event is free of charge and includes breakfast served.
Sign up for the events from link below.
Ps. Have you remembered to join Startup Tampere -Slack channel where we actively notify businesses for different existing opportunities. Link to join:
Signup ends on: 12.08.2019 00:00
Language: english
Price: Free