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    Tamturbo provides the oil-free future

    Oil-free air is a growing, global trend in different industries. Direct driven high-speed turbo compressors are replacing the complicated, wear-prone dry screw compressors in more and more industrial applications. Finnish Tamturbo is on the cutting edge of the transition. Two years ago Tamturbo caused a sensation by introducing the most advanced turbo compressor technology in the market. Now their line of direct drive, oil-free turbo compressors has expanded into two different sizes of compressor units as well as OEM components. How does the future look for the Nordic innovators? Read more >>

    Tamturbo Oy, based in Tampere, Finland, is doing a global breakthrough in the multibillion-euro compressed air business. Industry consumes over 10% of its electricity in the production of compressed air. More and more applications require compressed air that is not only efficiently produced but also completely oil-free. Tamturbo’s products and business idea are based on these factors.

    Tamturbo’s oil-free turbo compressors meet the needs of the most demanding process applications, such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, electronics, paper and chemical. In these processes, any risk of oil contamination must be excluded. Compared to any other known solution Tamturbo’s compressors offer the most advanced solutions available for compressed air free of oil.


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