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    Mediapolis live: Where is VR now? -conference

    Mediapolis LIVE VR seminar

    MEDIAPOLIS LIVE is a new event discussing state of art topics related to media industry. The aim is to enhance dialogue and cooperation between content creators, tech developers, businesses and universities. “Where is VR now” is targeted to professionals, researchers and companies that are interested in developing or utilizing VR applications.

    When: 25 April 2017, 9-16
    Where: YLE Studio Floor 1, Mediapolis, Tohlopinranta 31, Tampere, Finland
    Tickets: 125 eur + vat. Incl. Conference, coffees, salad lunch buffet and Afterwork starting at 16.30

    We will bring a brilliant selection of presentations from pioneers in the field.
    * Jannicke Mikkelsen (UK) who directed Adam Lambert’s and Queen’s first concert film in VR, takes you on a journey from inventing new-tech to behind the scenes of working with legendary rock stars.
    * Dr. Christer Geiger, Professor of Mixed Reality and Visualization shows how media companies and university innovate VR together at InnovationsHub Düsseldorf.
    * Principal Architect Andrew Baldwin, Nokia Ozo Team
    * Director Jaakko Jauhiainen, Sweco
    * Regional Director Saara Murtovaara, Aktia Kiinteistövälitys
    * CEO Ilmari Huttu-Hiltunen, Rakka Creative
    * Director Tommy Mård, Svenska Yle
    * Doctoral student / Researcher Arttu Julin, Aalto University
    * Mr Tony Lindqvist, the founder of Collaprime

    Hosted by the Chairman of Virtual Reality Finland ry Mr. Kari Peltola.

    Come and hear yourself ”Where is VR now”? In addition to presentations you have opportunity

    to experiment virtual worlds in the Afterwork -session organized by Rakka Creative and Virtual Reality Finland.


    For further details please contact:
    TAMK, Leena Mäkelä,, +358 50 561 1006
    Mediapolis, Taija Holm,, +358 40 748 3435

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