A smart and sustainably growing city offers a unique innovation environment for multidisciplinary security development. The City of Tampere is enabling investments exceeding EUR 6 billion in the development of the city by 2030. There are several major projects under way for smart and sustainable urban development, such as the construction and extension of the tramway, the development of the main rail line and Tampere’s unique multi-purpose arena and its surroundings. The innovation environment of the growing city enables the production of replicable safety and security solutions both nationally and internationally.
Nationally significant innovations in everyday safety and international export products
Many nationally significant solutions promoting everyday safety have been developed in Tampere, such as Digia’s 112 Suomi mobile application, Insta DefSec’s Emergency Response Center information system ERICA, Solita’s Koronavilkku mobile application, and Digia’s identity card and passport system.
Many key safety authorities, such as the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes), are located in Tampere, and cooperation between authorities in the city region is smooth. Well-being and safety go hand in hand. In the Tampere region, the development of safety is also supported by a strong network of health technology expertise, including more than 70 health sector companies, 11 hospitals and more than 30 pharmacies.
Event security in a city of experiences is made together
Tampere is a city of experiences and events, and event security is one of the focus areas of safety and security expertise in the city region. Greater strides to promote event security are taken in joint development projects. The three-year Smart Urban Security and Event Resilience (SURE) project launched in 2019 aims, among other things, to improve the preparedness for security threats related to events by developing cooperation between event organisers as well as cooperation tools.
Safe mobility focuses on data, autonomous driving and positioning
Tampere is one of the leading cities in Europe where the public and private sector join forces to create a sustainable and safe transport environment. The city acts as a test environment for intelligent solutions that improve the smoothness, predictability, safety and efficiency of the transport system. There are automated driving pilots under way, backed up by an intelligent traffic light system, intelligent street lights and strong sensor expertise in the region. Several ongoing development projects are focused on creating a comprehensive real-time picture of traffic. In addition, new innovations and smooth mobility solutions are being created by combining indoor and outdoor positioning. The proliferation of networked solutions also highlights the need for cybersecurity.
The autonomous driving test area in Hervanta, Tampere, is being developed and intelligent transport pilots are under way; read more at tamperetestbed.fi.
Example of expertise in the region: Särkänniemi – a diverse tourist destination that invests in safety
Särkänniemi is the most diverse tourist destination in Finland and the greatest attraction for tourism in Tampere, with nearly 700,000 visitors every year. The constantly developing Särkänniemi area includes the amusement park, aquarium, Näsinneula observation tower and Doghill Fairytale Farm, Sara Hildén Art Museum and Restaurant Näsinneula. Safety is strongly at the heart of the everyday operations and development of the park.
- EU-H2020: Multi-Stakeholder Platform for Food Safety in Europe (FOODSAFETY4EU)
- EU-H2020: Addressing challenges toward the deployment of higher automation, 1/07/21 → 30.6.32025
- Business Finland: Artificial Intelligence enhancing vehicle vision in low visibility conditions, 1.4.20211 → 31.32024
- EU-H2020: integRatEd Solutions for POsitive eNergy and reSilient CitiEs, 1.10.2020 → 30.9.2025
- EU-H2020: All Weather Autonomous Real logistics operations and Demonstrations (AWARD), 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2023
- Business Finland: Privacy-preserving AI for Synthetic and Anonymous Health Data (PRIVASA), 1.1.2021 → 31.12.2023
Tukesin tapahtumaturvallisuusopas
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