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About this event
Event type: Hybrid, please let us know when registering, if you wish to follow only the online session 16.00-17.15.
Program 24.1.2023
16:00 Opening and introduction for ML Infra & Productivity Meetups, Mikko Lehtimäki, Softlandia, Tampere, Finland
16.30 Effective Data Science Projects: Ville Tuulos, Outerbounds, Silicon Valley, US
17.15 Closing of Online part & Continue onsite
17.20 Demo & learning from industrial projects (TBD)
17.30 Networking & snacks
18.00 Closing
Machine learning Infra & Productivity meetups are free-of-charge, open events with the following targets: Improve productivy of your team, learn how to run effectively your ML projects.
How share & listen experiences from other teams about productive methods, learn how other teams use different tools & frameworks. Whats the best infrastructure for different types of projects and how to effectively get results.
Ideas is to focus on topics, where we all can learn and improve our productivity to get better results for customer projects or in our inhouse data teams. Events are hybrid, there is always online presentation you can follow remotely. Demo, networking & snacks are only for people who are able to come onsite.
From whom
Data teams in enterprises or larger entities, R&D leaders running development teams, project companies & consultants offering data science projects.
Meetups are organzed in co-operation with Tampere AI Ecosystem, read more Event host is Softlandia, contact person If you are interested to give a presentation or a demo, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Language: Finnish
Price: Free