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“You are not worth what you know but who you know!”
“Never Eat Alone!”
You know all those networking cliche slogans right? If not, we are telling you that it is very true and important to network in business life, especially in Finland!
Did you know that finding a job in Finland goes through hard networking? You should join to find right people that could help you kickstart your career and succeed in Finland!
How to find the right talent for your startup/SME/company? We have many talents in house seeking for their dream job so come and check yourself!
Most startups fail. It is a fact. One of the most important reasons is the TEAM! It’s not easy to find a core team member or co-founder for your new business or idea from your friends circle often. Thus, you should be very open to meet various people in networking events to FIND THE ONE! 🙂
If you are entrepreneurial minded person and love to be part of a startup but lacking a business idea, then just come and search for something that you would love to be part of!
Love meeting new people and discovering new opportunities? Businesses are run with people and meeting people helps you reach new dimensions, sales targets and so on. Well, you’re in right hands because we have a relaxed networking event for people who just love to meet new people.
2 possible scenarios: Pitch+Open Networking OR Speed-dating.
People present themselves shortly to all in a round of table order and later people get to network openly.
Facilitated Speed-Networking for 4 mins around tables in circle.
– Pitch yourself for 2 mins to other side and listen other side for another 2 mins.
– Then switch to next table and person.
– Repeat
– When you finish the circle, open networking starts
– Connect with people you would want to talk again and expand the conversation freely
To get the most out of it,
– Bring notebook/paper&pen and business cards, CV with you.
– Take at least 3 important notes on each person you meet behind their business card.
– Connect on LinkedIN right during or after the event.
– Follow up for possible collaboration later.
?Mix&Match networking events will continue this autumn and next spring too, every 3rd Wed! ? This time it’s changing its format a bit and we are meeting every month around a different #impact theme to network and get inspired to create more impactful actions in Tampere.
⚡️Autumn themes:
Sustainability – September 18th
Circular Economy – October 16th
Sharing Economy – November 20th
More themes about upcoming ones will be revealed soon.
?Why impact? We reckon, there is no shortage of problems facing humanity, but there is a shortage of ambitious changemakers trying to solve them. We believe that we need to start prioritizing the things that matter ? Belief is the new currency of success, and as a result, even the craziest of ideas can come to fruition if enough people believe.? Most of us today fall into the Denier/Observer paradigm, content to watch and complain about the world’s problems, but loathe to do anything about it. Making a change doesn’t mean that you have to try and fix the world’s biggest problems in one fell swoop. What it does mean is that if you are going to spend most of your waking moments working, then it is a disservice to both you and society to be working on something that is not meaningful. In short, your work should matter. Make your work matter. ✌️ Find something you believe in, and then don’t compromise. If we don’t fix the world’s problems, nobody will. We believe we can do it. Do you believe? ?
In addition to topic based networking each month, we will have some startups/companies working in those fields presenting their actions and stories to inspire you prior to networking ? If you are one of those startups founders/employers, please do get in touch with Kagan (
The event is in English and is FREE of charge for all participants!
Come together, mix&match, network and enjoy the evening with snacks.
For any questions and inquiries please contact:
Language: english
Price: Free