More information
Making digital twins is not only a technological challenge, but also affects people, processes and legislation. In the webinar, you will learn what digital twins are and what benefits they can bring to cities. In addition, you will hear what kind of digital twins have been created in Tampere, Finland in the EU Horizon 2020 funded STARDUST project.
This free event will take place on Wednesday 4 May at 14–16 EET at MS Teams. The event link will be sent after registration.
Register for the event no later than April 27 using the online form: Register
These digital twins will be presented in the webinar:
1. Hervanta digital twin was made to enable autonomous transport operators get better understanding of the Hervanta test area. It has been enhanced with dynamic data sources and open city data.
2. Digital twin of residential building Härmälänrannan Sampo was created to study how the BIM model could improve resident satisfaction. Digital twin collects its data from building automation, and building materials are imported from BIM model used also in design and construction phase of the building.
3. HVT30 digital twin includes energy data collection solution, 3D BIM-based visualisation and machine learning models for predicting and analysing the HTV30 building energy use(electricity, heat, cool).
Preliminary program
14:00 Opening words
Project Manager Maarit Vehviläinen, City of Tampere
14:05 What are digital twins and in what ways could cities take advantage of them?
Chair of City Group, Jarkko Sireeni, buildingSMART Finland
14:30 Cities enabling digital twins – challenges and solutions
Planner Rodrigo Coloma, City of Tampere
14:50 Towards digital cities – what digital twins tell us?
Service Manager Jarkko Männistö and Specialist Niko Moreira, Sitowise
15:10 Coffee break
15:15 Digital twin in residential building
Project Manager Niklas Töyrylä and Development Manager Valentin Velinov, Skanska
15:35 Utilizing electricity data in the digital twin
Senior Scientist Kalevi Piira, VTT
15:55 Ending words
Project Manager Maarit Vehviläinen, City of Tampere
16:00 End of the webinar
Free event, please remember to register in advance
Signup ends on: 27.04.2022 00:00
Language: english
Price: Free