More information
Tribe Tampere and Business Tampere, with the support of Pirkanmaan Yrityskummit, Suomen Mentorit and Pirkanmaan Yrittäjät are organizing 3 online sessions of low-threshold mentor meetings during the spring of 2021. The third and final online session will be held together with Suomen Mentorit. Come and talk to experienced mentors and learn about the opportunities in the Tampere area!
The questions every mentor should ask
– Introduction to the topic by Joonas Mikkilä from Suomen Mentorit
Mentors get to share their knowledge, questions, and ideas about the topic.
Time and Place:
22.4.2021 Thursday, 09:00 – 10:00. Zoom, online
Register by 21.4.2021 here:
Signup ends on: 21.04.2021 00:00
Language: afrikaans
Price: Free