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Learn what it takes to be a great Scrum Product Owner – and get a Scrum Product Owner certificate!
A Product Owner embodies the vision for their product, has the final say over product content, and is accountable for the value generated by the product. From this perspective the Product Owner is the CEO of an autonomous corporation comprising one or more Scrum Teams.
The training looks at value more broadly than just ROI, taking corporate reputation, team autonomy, and workplace quality into account. A special emphasis will be on value stream thinking.
In the training will be emphasized the Scrum way of running business, with its essential paradoxes such as the tradeoff between agility and certainty.
This training will immerse you in the vision that Scrum holds for the Product Owner role, taking its foundations from Scrum principles. The Product Owner specifies tests, and builds working prototypes, may specify wireframes and navigation trees. The Product Owner must ensure that the team understands each imminent product increment to the point of having an Enabling Specification— otherwise, the team gets to make it visible that the specs are inadequate and “go to the beach.” The Product Owner is held accountable for value from the product. Great Product Owners can realize immense satisfaction from guiding a product to add value to some constituency, and to watch their teams respond to their inspirational leadership.
For more information, see Tampere University web page.
1600.00 € (+ alv 24 % 1984.00 €)
Signup ends on: 11.02.2022 00:00
Language: english
Price: Paid