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    Talent Boost Summit 2017

    Is your company planning to go global in the nearby future? Are you looking for talent with international networks, knowledge of a certain country or language? Could an international talent bring new skills and know-how into your company?


    Talent Boost Summit 2017 takes place at Koskenranta Center, Helsinki

    Business Tampere is co-organizing a business summit in Helsinki on the 22nd of November. Talent Boost Summit 2017 focuses on the meaning of international talent for business growth and internationalizing. The organizers warmly welcome all businesses and business representatives to the event! The summit means to give the partakers the necessary tools for attracting international talent, and also the tools on how to implement foreign talent into a business. The summit is co-organized by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment (TEM), Business Tampere, the Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce, the City of Turku and Turku Science Park. We are expecting roughly 300 people to attend the summit in Koskenranta Center, Helsinki.

    The event will be opened by Esko Aho, the current Chairman of the Board at East Office of Finnish Industries and the former Prime Minister of Finland. In addition to the influential keynote speakers the day consists of smaller sessions dedicated to either talent attraction or boosting business via international talent. The day consists of two parts: morning sessions will be the keynote speakers, and the second part are the parallel sessions, which Business Tampere is in charge of.

    Business Tampere and the Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce COME project are coordinating an interesting session on talent boosting in the afternoon. The session is called TaBoo: How to boost business via international talent - company experiences and models. TaBoo will be moderated by CEO Pärtel-Peeter Pere, Future Place Leadership. We invite businesses to TaBoo to learn about experiences on talent integration and internationalization from our two interesting case companies.

    However, the whole summit will be streamed online by MoroMuiJoin Moromui's stream on Wednesday the 22nd from here!

    For more details follow our latest updates on LinkedIn and Twitter. #talentboost

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