The Tampere city region has two significant business areas growing around waste management and the circular economy: the ECO3 and Taraste circular economy areas, which are being built around Koukkujärvi and Taraste waste treatment centres. ECO3 is located in the Kolmenkulma business area where the borders of Tampere, Nokia and Ylöjärvi meet, while the Taraste area is on the border between Tampere and Kangasala.
Among urban development areas, for example, Vuores has an innovative waste collection system using pipelines and a smart new waste station. A new neighbourhood with 25,000 inhabitants and 10,000 jobs is being planned in Hiedanranta, in the grounds of an old pulp mill, and new circular economy solutions are already being tested there.
Key actors:
- Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto
- Pirkan Putkikeräys
- Ranta-Tampellan Putkikeräys
- Marimatic
- Stena
- Delete
- L&T
- Suomen Erityisjäte
- Kuusakoski
- Plastiroll
- Molok
- Tramel
- Karpin käsittely
- Suomen Kiertoketju
- Ecolan
- Fortum
- Tampereen hyötypaalaus
- Revisol
- Digi Toilet Systems
- Finnoflag
Senior Business Advisor, Circular Economy
+358 40 630 4840