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    Towards 5G – high bandwidth, low latency and new services event with demos in Hervanta on September 5th

    Towards 5G ecosystem event provides interesting speakers, bright ideas and new connections around the topical theme. You will find out what kind of possibilities Nokia Digital Automation Cloud ie. the private LTE (Long Term Evolution) network in Hervanta, Tampere can offer for local companies, universities and research institutions. You will also learn how to get involved in order to start developing services and testing in the network.

    Towards 5G – high bandwidth, low latency and new services event takes place in Kampusareena, Hervanta in Tampere on September 5th. The event is targeted to universities and research institutes as well as companies from startups to large scale companies, which are developing applications that can benefit from the features of the latest LTE infrastructure and IoT (Internet of Things) technologies.

    Towards 5G event Sept 5, 2018

    The idea of the event is to share knowledge of possibilities around the private LTE network, but also connect actors operating in the field. The programme starts with keynotes at 1 pm to continue with demonstrations and networking until 8 pm. The speakers of the session include CEO of Northstream Bengt Nordström, Nokia’s Director of Digital Automation Jari Peltoniemi, and Kalmar’s Vice President, Software & Automation Tommi Pettersson. In addition, there will be a keynote from Transtech in the afternoon agenda.

    After the keynotes, the event participants can enjoy networking and demonstrations hosted by Nokia. The autonomous garbage collector demonstration will take place close to Kampusareena, and the demo of the autonomous vehicle transporting goods and people will be demonstrated in Ahvenisjärvi area in Hervanta. There will be a  non-stop transportation arranged between Kampusareena and Ahvenisjärvi demo site for the event participants.

    Towards 5G – high bandwidth, low latency and new services event is organised by Nokia, Business Tampere and Smart Tampere and it is hosted by Business Advisor Markku Niemi from Business Tampere. The keynotes of the event will be held in English.

    The event is free of charge. Take a look at the agenda and sign up at


    Markku Niemi
    Business Advisor, Business Tampere
    tel. +358 50 511 7341

    One of the biggest challenges while starting a company is how to get funding. Business Tampere’s helpdesk of financial services offers help when you have questions on applying or looking for funding, and gives you advice on how to find the right source of funding for your needs. The provider of the service Tuomas Maisala ( Oy) will tell in Towards 5G event more about the new service and the upcoming funding trainings and workshops.

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