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Welcome to “The Länd” – Opportunities in Baden-Württemberg
“The Länd” is the strange branding Germany’s most international and innovative Federal State has provided itself with. Baden-Württemberg, short BW, is the region with the highest density of potential customers in the fields of mobility, machine engineering and automation in Europe, if not globally. The region around Stuttgart, Mannheim, Karlsruhe, Freiburg and Ulm is at the same time a superior business hub, but also a complex and mysterious animal for outsiders wishing to do business there. There are literally hundreds of clusters, associations, networks consortia and global players like Mercedes, SAP, BOSCH, Festo, Stihl, Würth, Liebherr, John Deere, SICK, Mahle, Porsche, AUDI and many more.
In this webinar organized together with Business Tampere and AHP International, Stefan Peikert will provide valuable insights and guidance into “The Länd”. Stefan is the Founder and President of one of Germany’s leading consultancies in the field of Internationalization and Global Business Development. In recent years, his team has guided Finnish companies both individually and in collective efforts with Business Finland to the German market. He is a profound expert on Finnish-German cultural fits and challenges.
The webinar will offer a lot of information about the region and its possibilities in a concise package. All registered participants will also receive a market report of the region to their email after the webinar. The market report is called “Market Opportunity Brief & Assessment, Baden-Württemberg, Germany for Automotive Industry & Non-Road Mobile Machines”
More info about the webinar expert:
Stefan Peikert holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration and has been active as an independent consultant in the fields of strategic business development, internationalization, sales & marketing, economic development as well as inward investment promotion for more than 25 years. Throughout his career Stefan has worked with far more than 1,000 mainly European and North-American businesses seeking international expansion. In addition to strategic advice, Stefan also takes a hands-on approach in delivering international strategies to the market and delivers the project success on the ground in the market. This rare combination of strategic advice and executive presales business development has made him a valuable resource to our clients.
He acts as project lead and support in strategic projects for key clients. Stefan is the Partner in charge of Finland and AHPI’s Finnish clients and projects. While he lives and works in and from Berlin, his company has an office in “The Länd”, namely in Heidelberg.
Time: 6.3. at 14.30-16.00
Place: Teams
Signup ends on: 04.03.2024 15:00
Language: English
Price: Free