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Establishing and managing a performance management culture, determining Key Results Areas (KRAs), setting objectives and the traditional Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) or the traditional Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), adopting the new agile approach of setting monthly milestones and using agile Must-Do, Could-Do and Should-Do targets (MSCs), and establishing the right competencies and behaviours for all the roles in an organisation are some of the critical cornerstones of any HR department. It is crucial to design and define the right performance management system that supports your business objectives and encourages the development of each individual employee. HR professionals already know that individual performance management is an important tool for improving organisation performance. This course shows in a practical way how you can build and implement an agile individual performance management system working successfully and how to achieve and implement and a culture of performance management.
Moreover, this new-and-improved course will also share latest best-practice approaches for abandoning the annual end-of-year performance appraisal meeting and how you can abandon annual KPIs, by moving to monthly milestones and monthly “MSCs”, and monthly 2-minute feedback sessions.
Language: afrikaans
Price: Free