Tapahtuman alkuperäinen kuvaus: We are excited to invite you to a unique event focused on the sharing economy and sustainable business practices. This event aims to bring together entrepreneurs, experts, and enthusiasts to discuss and promote sustainable business initiatives in Tampere. Welcome to be inspired by entrepreneurial stories and learn about the sharing economy as a promoter of sustainable consumption. The event is for anyone interested in how businesses can promote sustainable lifestyles and facilitate sustainable choices for citizens. The event will also provide an opportunity to hear about the support and advice Business Tampere offers to businesses. Scale up expert Tero Kyckling will be present. The event will be held in English. Please, register to this event by Sunday 16.2.2025. Registration is compulsory and binding as food will be offered during the event. Event is organised by the City of Tampere’s Carbon Neutral Actions development program in collaboration with Tribe Tampere. Agenda:16.30 Pizza and refreshments17.00 Facilitated discussion – entrepreneurs of Commu, MorrowX and Willari share their stories and experiences in sharing economy18.00 Ideation: brainstorming and gather ideas how the city could support businesses that promote the sharing economy Welcome! Hei! Tämä tapahtuma on jo järjestetty. Löydät tapahtuman materiaalit tältä arkistosivulta