Tapahtuman alkuperäinen kuvaus: Now is the time to wrap up sleeves and join the discussion and action! How can we make sure that the best mobile work machines are built in Finland also in the future? How will research and education contribute to future success of the industry? What is important right now, who can help, and what can we do together next to make this happen? Program: 12:00 Networking lunch13:00 Welcome and opening13:10 Future trends and industry needs in the mobile work machine industry13:20 Where are we now? Short overview of past and ongoing actions13:35 What do we know and what do we want to know in the future? National research overview on relevant MWM industry topics -> a workshop part included14:30 Networking coffee14:45 How do we make sure we have the right future competencies for the industry? Competence centre survey and plans for the future -> a workshop part included15:45 Next steps and closure Hei! Tämä tapahtuma on jo järjestetty. Löydät tapahtuman materiaalit tältä arkistosivulta