Tampere International Trade Forum

Powered by Business Tampere

Ajankohta: 15.05.2025-15.05.2025 klo 13:00-17:00

Paikka: G Livelab Tampere

Osoite: Puutarhakatu 1, 33100 Tampere

Järjestäjä: Business Tampere

Ilmoittautuminen päättyy: 13.05.2025 klo 23:59

Register now

Join us at the Tampere International Trade Forum, where local SMEs will come together to explore export opportunities to Central Europe and North America.

This event will feature high level speakers, company stories, as well as service provider pitches.

Why Attend?

  • Networking: Connect with other local businesses and potential partners.
  • Expert Insights: Gain valuable knowledge on export strategies and market trends.
  • Inspiration: Hear from industry leaders and successful exporters.

Register now and stay tuned for more details!

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Tampere-talon Iso sali

STREAM CONNECT 22. Getting the timing right



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