In 2019–2020, Tampere, the most dynamic city in Finland, will provide an attractive competition task for creative urban and landscape planners from all around the world. The lakeside district of Viinikanlahti will extend the city centre towards the south. The location and the scenery are perfect for most interesting combinations of modern urban housing, flexible future-oriented services and other functions, as well as innovative urban green solutions. Smart urban traffic and infrastructure, low-carbon building activities and solutions based on a vibrant urban culture will be appreciated. Viinikanlahti 2030 – Open international urban ideas competition: Stage 1: 15 May–27 September 2019, and Stage 2: 15 November 2019–14 February 2020. For competitors, the City of Tampere offers the possibility of a totally digital participation. A total of 165,000 euros in prizes will be awarded in the competition. In addition, 30,000 euros will be paid to each of those teams selected for the second phase. The competition is organised by the City of Tampere, in cooperation with the Finnish Association of Architects, SAFA, and the Association of Finnish Landscape Architects MARK. The Tampere Central Region is currently home to some 370,000 inhabitants. Tampere and the region are growing rapidly, and by 2040, the central region is expected to reach a population of 480,000. The Tampere city centre provides all of them with a vibrant commercial and cultural service area with good accessibility. Over the coming decades, the city centre will continue to grow, in addition to infill development, by building on top of the railway area and in former industrial areas on both beautiful lake shores. In the future, the lakeside district of Viinikanlahti may provide a home for around 3,000 inhabitants. Lakeside recreational areas and activities may even be offered to higher numbers of inhabitants and visitors. This brilliant development project has been launched as the waste water treatment plant will leave the area by 2025. The unique location is waiting for the best urban and landscape planning ideas and innovations. In the first stage, competitors are tasked with designing a comprehensive plan for the area on a conceptual level – a vision for the future of the area. The plan should present a high-quality area, both functionally and in terms of the cityscape and landscape. In the second stage, competitors must present more detailed city and functional plans as well as calculations of the ecological and economic impacts of their proposals. Over the coming years, the area’s development will be steered on the basis of the material produced as a result of the competition. Check out the preliminary information and follow the competition Viinikanlahti Further information