Growth business services

Support services and advice related to internationalization, growth financing, and connections to soft-landing programs offered by innovation centers are provided to SMEs and scaleup companies seeking rapid business scaling.

Kuvaaja: Petri Kangas


Scaleup Club

In the Scaleup Club, startups planning or already engaged in international business have the opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas.

For more information:
Senior Business Advisor Tero Kyckling
phone +358 40 552 4355

Senior Business Advisor Tapio Siik
phone +358 40 568 1483

Scaleup Club provides a peer forum for startup-based companies that have already established their business. The club offers a platform for exchanging ideas on topics such as business, financing, and internationalization, as well as for identifying peer support and collaboration opportunities.

Meetings are themed according to the wishes of the club members, and guest experts are invited to each meeting based on the specific themes. The club gathers 3–4 times a year.


Collaboration with international innovation hubs

We assist scalable companies in collaborating with international innovation hubs, primarily targeting EU countries and North America. Our goal is to provide low-threshold pilot projects, visits, exchange programs, and soft-landing opportunities to support market exploration, business potential assessment, and the identification of customers and partners.

For more information:
Senior Business Advisor Tero Kyckling
phone +358 40 552 4355

Target group: Startup-based companies: (“Scaleups”) with an established customer base and business, as well as the goal and desire to break into international markets.

To support this, we are developing a partner network with international innovation centers, primarily targeting EU countries and North America.

The goal is to offer low-threshold trials, visits, exchange programs, and soft-landing opportunities for market exploration, identifying business potential, customers, and partners.


Growth sparring

Growth sparring is tailored to the needs of the company and can consist of several different components. Often, the coaching is combined with the internationalization process, during which funding-related matters are also addressed.

Read more:

For more information:
Senior Business Advisor Tapio Siik
phone +358 40 568 1483


Scaleup Launchpad

The program develops growth-oriented companies that want to internationalize. These companies have already demonstrated their potential or have a new innovation that requires support for commercialization. The program helps companies in various ways, with topics such as financing, team building, strategy, and expanding to new markets.

Practical implementation includes workshops, mentoring by experts, and company analysis. We also aim to open doors to potential partners in different countries or build country-specific piloting opportunities.

For more information:

Project Manager Mikko Pesonen
phone +358 40 504 6044

Background: EU Interreg Baltic Program

Scaleup Launchpad is a project funded by the EU Interreg Baltic program, running from January 2023 to December 2025. The total funding for the project is 1.3 million euros. The program is implemented through a collaboration between Business Tampere, Tartu Science Park, and Norrköping Science Park. A total of 29 companies have been selected to participate in the program.



ESA BIC Finland is part of the European ESA BIC incubation network for startup companies. The ESA BIC network also includes various partners such as funding partners, technical and business support partners, legal and IPR partners, as well as city and event partners. The goal is to support innovative entrepreneurs and ambitious young startups financially and technically.

ESA BIC Finland website:

Senior Business Advisor Tapio Siik
phone +358 40 568 1483

Applications for ESA BIC incubation programs are open twice a year (spring/autumn). Exact dates and application guidelines are available on the ESA BIC Finland website. In the program, each company defines its own project, which is executed during the program. The project implementation receives support of up to €90,000.

To be eligible for the program, companies must meet the Business Finland TEMPO funding requirements, as part of the program’s funding comes from there.

Startup ecosystem overview


Are you interested in the region’s startup and scaleup companies? The Startup and Scaleup Funnel provides the most up-to-date overview of startup-based businesses in the Tampere city region. We publish a monthly updated Funnel, showcasing the development stages of local startups and scaleups, as well as the overall state of the ecosystem.

View the Funnel here

Senior Business Advisor Tapio Siik
phone +358 40 568 1483


Contact us

Tapio Siik

Senior Business Advisor, Funding

Tero Kyckling

Senior Business Advisor, International Relations, Startups

Mikko Pesonen

Project Manager, Scaleup Launchpad

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