Business Tampere
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Business Tampere / Ecosystems and networks / Tampere Health Ekosysteemi / Specialised and private hospitals
On this page you can see a list of the Tampere region specialised and private hospitals
Coxa Hospital for Joint Replacement is based in Tampere and the only hospital in Finland focusing on joint replacement surgery. The operations of Coxa also include research, training and teaching activities. Coxa is an internationally renowned pioneer in joint replacement surgery, both in terms of the effectiveness of its treatment results and joint replacement surgery research it carries out.
In addition to customer satisfaction, another key indicator at Coxa is treatment results. According to a study by the OECD, Coxa is among the units performing the most impressive knee and hip joint replacement surgeries in Europe.
Coxa employs more than 400 top experts in the field.
Coxa Joint Replacement Hospital website
Tampere Heart Hospital is a Global Center of Excellence in many fields of Cardiology and cardiac surgery and has specialized in the treatment of heart patients. Its mission is to provide value for customers – from symptoms to good life. The hospital offers examination and treatment of all heart symptoms and diseases, as well as thoracic surgery. The hospitals concept is based on a heart team model, creating value also for continuous development.
Tampere Heart Hospital website
Mehiläinen is a well-known and highly valued private provider of health care and social services in Finland. Mehiläinen provides help, support, and care for around 1,3 million customers annually. Mehiläinen’s services are produced at over 500 locations by more than 21,800 employees and private practitioners.
Mehiläinen website
Terveystalo is the largest healthcare service company in Finland. We offer versatile healthcare, occupational healthcare, medical and examination services in approx. 300 clinics around Finland. Terveystalo customers include private individuals, companies and communities, insurance companies and the public sector.
Terveystalo website
Lääkärikeskus Aava Tampere provides comprehensive occupational healthcare and well-being services at the centrum of Tampere. Aava experienced occupational health care specialists offer a wide range of multi-professional health and well-being services for corporate customers. They also have own laboratory.
Aava website
Pihlajalinna is one of the largest private social and healthcare services providers in Finland. The company’s customers include private individuals, businesses, insurance companies and public sector entities, such as municipalities and joint municipal authorities. Pihlajalinna private Clinics and dental Clinics have been granted the ISO 9001 certification for quality. The Headquarters is located in Tampere.
Pihlajalinna website
Lääkärikeskus Eurolääkärit is a private medical center in Tampere. They provide reliable medical services with certificates and statements, hearing rehabilitation, and laboratory services.
Eurolääkärit website (In Finnish)
The Medical Center Medisport offers medical and health services in Pirkanmaa for both private clients and companies. Medisport offers sports medicine services and activities in the treatment of diseases and injuries, as well as in rehabilitation.
Medisport website (In Finnish)