Tapahtuman lisätiedot
Tapahtuma on englanniksi, mutta sisältö ja palvelut soveltuvat osin myös suomalaisille uusille yrittäjille.
Are you a resident in Tampere or in the nearby area (Pirkanmaa region)? Are you a part time entrepreneur who wants develop your activity, ultimately aiming to develop international business? Or have you begun running a full-time business under 1 year ago, and are looking to develop and expand?
Look no further!
In this event we will give you hints and advice for the steps to take. We offer packages which will help you.
The event is hosted by our experts: Finnish people who lived abroad for decades. After returning to Finland, we also faced challenges setting up our businesses here. So we know both sides of the story, and we want to offer concrete advice based on our experiences.
You will hear our offering: how to go international? What are the things you need to get in order? Where to get funding for the expansion to international markets?
You also get to tell your own business story in this session, and network with others like yourself.
You don’t necessarily have to be a tech startup founder (although you can be!)
Who should join? Recently started full-time or part-time entrepreneurs who want to expand their big or small business from Tampere region to markets abroad!
Get free tickets here https://from-tampere-pirkanmaa-to-international.eventbrite.com
Ilmoit. päättyy: 10.11.2022 00:00
Kieli: english
Hinta: Ilmainen