Privacy statement

The controller of Business Tampere contacts register is Tampereen kaupunkiseudun elinkeino- ja kehitysyhtiö Business Tampere Oy

Name of the register

The contact information registry of Business Tampere Oy, a business and development company in the Tampere urban region.

In addition to our own contact information registry, we collect data for the joint Corporate Customer Relationship Management System (Yritys-CRM) personal data registry of the City of Tampere, Business Tampere, and Visit Tampere. You can find its own registry description here (in Finnish).


Tampereen kaupunkiseudun elinkeino- ja kehitysyhtiö Business Tampere Oy, (Business ID 2252888-5), Kelloportinkatu 1 B, 33100 Tampere,

Data Protection Officer

Reija Nykänen
Business Tampere
p. 040 800 7676

Collection, Processing, and Protection of Registry Data


Data Protection Officer

Reija Nykänen

Administrative Director

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