Tampere Region Circular Economy Ecosystem

The Circular Economy Ecosystem creates value by accelerating collaboration among industry players!

Brief overview of the Tampere Region Circular Economy Ecosystem

The Tampere region, known for its expertise in industry and ICT, has naturally risen to the forefront of environmentally friendly and smart cleantech technology.

Circular economy and cleantech companies in the Tampere region offer a wide range of innovative solutions, lifecycle services, and automation for various industries.

Driving these solutions are the region’s extensive business network, numerous innovation platforms, and the strong, long-standing R&D collaboration between companies and the university community in environmental sciences.

Our services


The circular economy testbeds in the Tampere region provide opportunities to test and develop new business models, technologies, and services in a real-world environment. Learn more about the testbeds:



The best way to meet the right contacts is by attending our events, but we also connect compatible players directly, for example, in project consortia. Another great way to expand your network is by joining as a climate partner.



The Circular Economy Ecosystem organizes various events on current topics in the field, tailored to the wishes and needs of companies.

Contact us

Pirkko Eteläaho

Senior Business Advisor, Circular Economy

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