The Tampere region’s economic strategy for 2026–2030 has now been published. It is titled Uuden edellä, ahead of the new. The economic strategy of the Tampere city region defines shared guidelines for the economic area formed by eight municipalities. Harri Ojala, BT, CEO. Photos: Petri Kangas According to the organizers, the launch event for the Tampere region’s 2026–2030 economic strategy had over 150 guests. Mayor of city of Tampere, Kalervo Kummola. The vision for economic activity in the Tampere city region by 2030 is “Boldly renewing, smartly growing.” This vision will be achieved by accelerating success, creating value for customers, promoting regional cooperation, enhancing international expertise, and increasing visibility and attractiveness. The strategy is titled Uuden edellä, Ahead of the New. The Tampere city region’s economic strategy defines the shared strategic guidelines for organizations that promote and enable economic activity in the economic area formed by eight municipalities. Kangasala, Lempäälä, Nokia, Orivesi, Pirkkala, Tampere, Vesilahti, and Ylöjärvi together constitute Finland’s second-largest economic area and growth center, as well as one of the world’s leading hubs in several technologies. The launch event took place today, Thursday, at Hotel Torni in Tampere. The morning opened with Business Tampere CEO Harri Ojala, who provided insights into the strategy development process and its objectives. Heli Paavola, Witmill. Harri Airaksinen, Director of the Tampere Region EU Office. Heli Paavola from the Witmill design agency, who assisted in the preparation of the Tampere city region’s economic strategy, followed Ojala on stage. In the panel discussion, insights on the region’s development were shared by Aleksi Arpiainen, CEO of Tampereen Tiivisteteollisuus – TT Gaskets; Marita Jaatinen, Director of Economic Development at the Municipality of Pirkkala and Director of Business Development at Business Tampere; Joni Korppi, CEO of Treon; Jouni Markkanen, Deputy Mayor of Tampere; Matti Sommarberg, Chairman of the Board at Business Tampere; and Kirsi Viskari, Director of Vocational Education at Tampere Region Vocational College Tredu. As the afternoon approached, the event concluded with closing remarks from Tampere Mayor Kalervo Kummola. The Economic Development Strategy of the Tampere Region. Harri Ojala CEO, Chief Executive Officer elinkeinostrategia julkistus tapahtuma visio