New launched


This article may contain outdated information, as it was published more than 6 years ago

Nettisivu uutinen 1 is now redesigned. The new website with a fresh layout offers its users an improved online experience. The aim is that users can easily get the big picture of Smart Tampere activities and find the ways how to join us in each selected smart city theme.

The website has been organized based on the main services of Smart Tampere – we help companies and other stakeholders to develop, network and find new opportunities. From the develop section you find different platforms that we offer, as well as information about the co-creation concepts developed with Smart Tampere. In each page you can read more about the concrete cases that we have done with different companies.

The network section concentrates on nine smart city themes. In each theme page you learn more about the theme’s objectives and how you can participate the activities. Most of the themes also include examples how the City of Tampere has developed its own services in that theme.

In the find new opportunities section you see all the ongoing Smart Tampere calls for action and cooperation opportunities. We also encourage companies to get familiar with the startups at Tampere Region, and in this way to find new partnerships and get some new ideas how to grow business.

Let’s Grow. Smart. Together!

The core of Smart Tampere is doing things together. We hope that from the new website everyone can find the right way to join us in building smarter Tampere. We have described for example how to participate each theme, how to utilize the platforms and where to find active calls for agile experiments.

If you have any ideas how to be clearer about the participation at the website, please give us some feedback. The feedback enables us to develop the website further, says Merja Maijala, project manager of Smart Tampere Ecosystem Program.

So, check out the website, pick a channel that works for you, and hop-in!

We are part of the story of Tampere

Besides the renewed content, we have also updated our layout. The reason for this is because Tampere has recently launched a new brand of its own, Tampere.Finland. This brand is fresh and it is obvious Smart Tampere wants to use it too. We are proud to be part of the shared story of Tampere, and thus we have updated our own brand to support this.

Smart Tampere strengthens the reputation of Tampere as a smart and renewing city. The new website gives a great view to smart and sustainable city development, says Iina Ojala, the head of public relations and marketing at the City of Tampere.

We hope you enjoy our new website and layout, and share your impressions and remarks with us via short questionnaire. The website will be further developed based on the feedback of users.

Smart Tampere is a strategic development program of the City of Tampere. The program is executed by the City and Business Tampere.

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