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How do you make SoCs? What kind of a team does it require? How much does it cost?
SoC Hub will organize a free online workshop on Thursday 25 March about the design flow of SoCs and the project management of the process.
The target of the workshop is to give an overview of the typical SoC design flow from requirements to production so that participants can gain knowledge and participate discussions on topics such as:
– Identify key challenges in SoC design flow: Why and how SoC development and business is different between SW and SoC; how SoC design differs from FPGA design
– Understanding dominant business model
– How technology and application domain affects SoC characteristics (PPA tradeoffs)
– What kind of knowledge and skills are needed to accomplish SoC project
– Discussions of the costs
Registration: https://www.lyyti.fi/reg/sochubworkshop_makingofsocs
Ilmoit. päättyy: 24.03.2021 00:00
Kieli: english
Hinta: Ilmainen