Tapahtuman lisätiedot
Rahoitusta yritysten ilmastotekoihin, Green investments -työpaja.
Rahoitusmarkkinoilla on paljon ”vihreää rahaa”. Opetellaan yhdessä miten voisimme hyödyntää rahoitusmarkkinoiden mahdollisuuksia. Tule oppimaan uutta. Asiantuntijana: Adrian Braun.
Green investments – How to access capital from the international markets? On a path towards bio and circular economy
by Arctic Values
Workshop participation requirements: No specific prerequisites
Workshop language: English
Workshop leader: Adrian Braun (sustainability consultant & researcher)
E-Mail: adrian.braun@arctic-values.com
Content of the workshop:
Introduction into financial markets, the rising topic of green finance and green financial products that are available to finance projects in Pirkanmaa.
ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) reporting and how to develop a report that attracts investors and is simultaneously beneficial for stakeholder communication. The global investment community has certain expectations towards ESG reports and I can
introduce those in this session.
About the topic:
Companies, municipalities and cities in Finland seek continuously innovative solutions to set highest standards in technology, research and business development. These pursuits are more and
more in line with goals for ecological protection, tackling climate change impacts and overall strong performances in terms of sustainability. Despite the many good ideas in Finland to move
towards circular economy, one major challenge is the access to capital to finance green projects and to bring the great ideas from the peoples´ minds to real implementation in the regions and inside the companies.
This workshop is designed to widen the perspectives of solutions to get access to green capital from the international markets to finance green projects. The global investment community is interested for various reasons to head towards green investments, amongst others to reduce their risks, to gain positive marketing effects for their ventures and many have understood that green projects allow good return on investments. These developments are opportunities for Finnish actors to realize green housing plans, energy-efficient production of goods, lowcarbon footprints and green technologies with capital from private investors.
The particular workshop sessions include the basics of international finance. It is beneficial to understand how financial products, like shares, bonds and futures work and how it is possible to utilize them. More specifically international market places, like stock exchanges and trading schemes are explained with simple examples. Green financial instruments, such as climate bonds, green funds and others are important elements of the workshop and it will be discussed how they have succeeded already on other markets in Europe and in a global context.
Workshop participants do not need necessarily a background in economics or finance. The content orientates particularly to the Finnish context and its corporations, municipalities and cities.
Green investments are a novel chance to finance green projects in Finland and learning about it is already half the way on the path to success!
Ilmoit. päättyy: 18.10.2019 00:00
Kieli: english
Hinta: Ilmainen