The Economic Development Strategy of the Tampere Region

On this website, you can explore the economic strategy of the Tampere City Region.


Strategy 2026-2030

Business Tampere has a new strategy for the years 2026–2030. Learn more about the new business strategy here  (in Finnish).
We will publish English version later in spring 2025.

New strategy in 2 minutes

Strategy until 2025: Superior Capacity for Renewal – Sustainable Growth

The vision for Tampere’s economic activities up to 2025 is “Superior capacity for renewal – sustainable growth.” This vision is achieved through an excellent business experience, an attractive industrial growth platform, strengthening renewal and innovation capabilities, and a sustainably growing, competitive business sector.

PDF Version of the Strategy 2020-2025

Monitoring and Evaluation of the Tampere City Region Economic Strategy – Supplementary Guidelines for 2022–2025

In 2022, at the midpoint of the strategy period, the business environment had, in many ways, changed compared to the end of 2019. The needs for updating the economic strategy of the Tampere City Region were assessed between November 2021 and March 2022.

Interviews and survey results indicated that the economic strategy was still considered up-to-date. The objectives and focus areas of the strategy were seen as having materialized in practical actions, and the strategy was assessed to have a fairly significant or evolving impact.

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Supplementary Guidelines of the Tampere City Region Economic Strategy 2022–2025 (PDF)

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