Tapahtuman lisätiedot
There are about a thousand things startup teams and founders need to juggle.
Marketing efforts often get de-prioritized as they don’t provide ”quick fixes” and immediate growth. However, nowadays marketing is the driving engine that goes far beyond building a website, making pitch decks and posting on social media.
In this workshop,
We will unpack the fundamentals of building your marketing strategy as well as review hands-on techniques and tools to scale your marketing operations.
We will cover the big picture and the day-to-day operations, experiment-driven framework, what the heck is demand gen, and how to start and scale your marketing as a whole.
Join in to adapt these insights into your own company and industry-specific challenges!
Ilmoit. päättyy: 02.05.2022 00:00
Kieli: english
Hinta: Ilmainen