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Update: EuroScalers Demo day 25th May 2021
Registration open: https://www.lyyti.in/EuroScalers_Demo_day_25th_May_2021_5558
Euro Scalers internationalization program hosted 10 companies to learn how to expand to European markets.
After 10 spring weeks of intensive work to get your first European customers, the companies now have the opportunity to share their overall progress from the program.
The open Demo day event on 25th in May 2021 showcases the companies sharing the best practices in lead prospecting and how to make the first steps for customer negotiations.
You are welcome to update your market-entry competencies and build internationalization networks for growth companies.
Registration open: https://www.lyyti.in/EuroScalers_Demo_day_25th_May_2021_5558
Oletko valmis laajentamaan liiketoimintaasi Euroopan markkinoille? Euro Scalers -ohjelma tukee suomalaisia yrityksiä, jotka haluavat laajentaa liiketoimintaansa Eurooppaan.
Euro Scalers on 10 viikkoa kestävä digitaalinen kiihdytysohjelma suomalaisille yrityksille, joilla aktivoidaan, valmennetaan ja ohjataan tiimejä kansainvälistymispyrkimyksissään.
Kohderyhmiä ovat yritykset ja startupit, joiden myynti on käynnissä yhdessä maassa ja jotka ovat valmiita laajentumaan.
Are you ready to expand your business into the European market? The Euro Scalers program can be used to support companies that want to expand their business in Europe.
Euro Scalers is a 10-week long digital accelerator program for Finnish companies to activate, coach and guide teams in their internationalisation efforts.
The target groups are companies and startups with sales up and running in one country already and are ready to expand.
If you want to accelerate your international growth and start selling in Europe - you have come to the right place.
When: 15.3.-25.5.2021
To whom: Finnish registered companies with sales up and running that want to scale in Europe.
Cost: The accelerator is cost free and equity free.
DL to apply: 28.2.2021
After the DL your application is reviewed. If you and your company looks like a match, you will be called for an interview during 1.-7.3.2021
You will know if you are accepted by 7.3.2021 latest.
Ilmoit. päättyy: 28.02.2021 00:00
Kieli: english
Hinta: Ilmainen