Business Information and Statistics on the Tampere City Region

Are you looking for up-to-date data to support your decision-making? Here you will find comprehensive and current data about the businesses and vitality of the Tampere region. Our website offers in-depth analyses and data services that help you understand the business environment of our region and its development. Whether you are an entrepreneur, investor, or municipal decision-maker, the site provides you with valuable information. Explore and take advantage of our extensive data tools, designed to support the growth and success of the Tampere region.

The vitality of companies

Are you interested in the number of export, import, or growth companies in the Tampere region? Are you looking for information on the funding received by our region’s companies or their green investments? This data service provides a continuously updated overview of our region’s business activities, economic growth, research and development activities, and green transition, compiled from multiple data sources.

Tampere region includes Kangasala, Lempäälä, Nokia, Orivesi, Pirkkala, Tampere, Vesilahti, and Ylöjärvi. The purpose is to provide comprehensive information about the vitality of the region’s companies to municipalities, companies, and other stakeholders. A better understanding of the current state of the region’s vitality supports data-driven decision-making. The data and charts offer essential background data and an overview of the municipality’s current situation and development. 

In the data tool, you can examine one or more municipalities at a time or the entire Tampere region. The data is updated through Business Tampere’s Azure data warehouse, where data is collected from various sources via interfaces or separate files. The data is updated at different intervals according to the original data provider’s update period. 

Vitality, attractiveness, and retention power

Do you want to get a quick overview of the vitality, attractiveness, and retention power of the municipalities in the Tampere region? The EVP index is an information service designed for this purpose. The index comprehensively and simultaneously examines both the vitality and the attractiveness and retention strength of the regions. The index is an invaluable tool for anyone who wants to understand the success factors of the regions and make informed decisions.

The EVP Index is an area comparison produced by FCG (formerly MDI) with a single summary variable. With interactive Power BI views, one can compare municipalities in the Tampere region to key reference areas and to all municipalities in Finland. On the data service pages, you can compare all municipalities in Finland with each other and examine the annual rankings of the municipalities in the Tampere region in the overall scores of the EVP index. 

The EVP Index consists of two sub-indices: the vitality index and the attractiveness and retention power index. Ten explanatory and comparable variables have been selected for both indices. Thus, both a sub-index and a composite index have been calculated in the index, where municipalities are indexed based on variable-specific averages on a scale of 0 to 100 points (0=weakest, 100=strongest). 

Variables of the vitality index: 

  • Median income of income recipients
  • Business density
  • Employment rate of 34–44-year-olds (%)
  • Workplace self-sufficiency rate (%) 
  • Economic dependency ratio 
  • Job change (%) (open sector) 
  • Tax funding €/resident
  • Accumulated surplus or deficit €/resident 
  • Education level index 
  • Morbidity index 

Variables of the attractiveness and retention power index: 

  • Population change (%) 
  • MDI population forecast (%) 
  • Net migration of employed individuals 
  • Intensity of internal migrations 
  • Completed dwellings 
  • Price per square meter of old dwellings (€) 
  • Percentage of foreign-background individuals (%) 
  • Percentage of students in the population (%) 
  • Net migration of 15–34-year-olds 
  • Number of summer residents 

Instructions for using: 

The data service is created using the Power BI tool. The service contains multiple tabs. You can switch between tabs by clicking the arrow at the bottom of the Power BI. In some Power BI tabs, users can limit the municipalities displayed using menus, such as by province, municipality name, or municipality size. The user can select multiple provinces, municipalities, or municipality sizes by holding down the ctrl key while clicking the selection. 

Future unicorns

Are you interested in the region’s startup and scaleup companies? The Startup and Scaleup Funnel provide the most up-to-date overview of the Tampere region’s startup-based companies. We publish a monthly updated image that shows the development stages of potential future unicorns in the region and the state of the entire ecosystem.

The Startup and Scaleup Funnel is a overview maintained by Business Tampere and updated by our experts. If you notice any corrections to be made regarding a company’s placement in growth stages, a missing company from the image, or a company that is in the wrong category, please inform us with a brief explanation. We will gladly rectify the situation in the next update of the overview. 

Tampere Startup and Scaleup Funnel offers the opportunity to assess the impact of different activities, identify best practices, and follow interesting companies. It provides information on, for example, companies’ current financing rounds. 

More information:
Senior Business Advisor Tapio Siik
Phone +358 40 568 1483

Annual startup study

The Tampere Region Startup Report is an annual review commissioned by the City of Tampere to assess the state of the startup ecosystem. The objective of the report is to determine the number of startup companies in the Tampere region and collect and analyze up-to-date information on their status. Company data was gathered confidentially through email, phone, or other client contacts during August-September 2023 and October-December 2023.


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